Thursday, January 7, 2010

Still 'Slippy' All Over Ireland

Listeners to RTE radio this morning were advised to wear wool socks over their shoes in order to navigate the sidewalks which are still very 'slippy.' Horror stories of long tailbacks on main roads and in and around Dublin filled the air. Apparently county authorities say there is not enough salt or grit to treat the roads, but so far 11 quarries have called in to to Joe Duffy's afternoon call-in show to say they have plenty of grit available. Minister John Gormley has taken over coordination of the efforts to get access to salt. Three and a half tons are due in port next week. More sleet and snow in the forecast!

An 85-year-old woman, Ellen, called in to say she went out and cleared the wee path to her house herself. Asked if it was as bad as the snow of 1963, she said, "Not a'tall." No winging for Ellen!

Earlier in the morning, Dara Molloy, a Celtic monk who lives on Inis Mor, was Pat Kenny's guest. Interesting insights on how the Roman Church changed Celtic Christianity...expanded on in his book "Globalisation of God." Wondered how he manages to support his family of wife and four kids in the Aran Islands. From his website it seems he provides tours, pilgrimages and Celtic wedding ceremonies. Envious of his life on Inish Mor, as far as you can get away from the 21st Century.

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